Vision Kit overview

The AIY Vision Kit is a do-it-yourself intelligent camera built with a Raspberry Pi and the Vision Bonnet.

After you assemble the kit and run the included demos, you can extend the kit with your own software and hardware.

Also see the Vision Kit assembly guide.


To execute ML models and perform other actions with the Vision Kit, the system image includes the Python library with the following modules:

  • aiy.toneplayer: A simple melodic music player for the piezo buzzer.
  • aiy.trackplayer: A tracker-based music player for the piezo buzzer.
  • An annotation library that draws overlays on the Raspberry Pi’s camera preview.
  • An inference engine that communicates with the Vision Bonnet from the Raspberry Pi side.
  • A collection of modules that perform ML inferences with specific types of image classification and object detection models.
  • aiy.board: APIs to use the button that’s attached to the Vision Bonnet’s button connector.
  • aiy.leds: APIs to control certain LEDs, such as the LEDs in the button and the privacy LED.
  • aiy.pins: Pin definitions for the bonnet’s extra GPIO pins, for use with gpiozero.

Vision Bonnet


  • SOC: Myriad 2450
  • MCU: ATSAMD09D14 [I²C address: 0x51]
  • LED Driver: KTD2027A [I²C address: 0x30]
  • Crypto (optional): ATECC608A [I²C address: 0x60]
  • IMU: BMI160


  • MCU driver: modinfo aiy-io-i2c
  • MCU PWM driver: modinfo pwm-aiy-io
  • MCU GPIO driver: modinfo gpio-aiy-io
  • MCU ADC driver: modinfo aiy-adc
  • LED driver: modinfo leds-ktd202x
  • Software PWM driver for buzzer: modinfo pwm-soft
  • Myriad driver: modinfo aiy-vision

To reset MCU:

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0051/reset

To get MCU status message (including firmware version) and last error code:

cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/1-0051/{status_message,error_code}

Pinout (40-pin header)

                   3.3V --> 1    2 <-- 5V
                I2C_SDA --> 3    4 <-- 5V
                I2C_SCL --> 5    6 <-- GND
                            7    8
                    GND --> 9   10
                            11  12
                            13  14 <-- GND
  (GPIO_22) BUZZER_GPIO --> 15  16 <-- BUTTON_GPIO (GPIO_23)
                   3.3V --> 17  18
               SPI_MOSI --> 19  20 <-- GND
               SPI_MISO --> 21  22
               SPI_SCLK --> 23  24 <-- SPI_CE_MRD
                    GND --> 25  26
                 ID_SDA --> 27  28 <-- ID_SCL
                            29  30 <-- GND
          PI_TO_MRD_IRQ --> 31  32
          MRD_TO_PI_IRQ --> 33  34 <-- GND
                            35  36
             MRD_UNUSED --> 37  38
                    GND --> 39  40

Also see the Vision Bonnet on


See the Vision Kit help.